oil trains in the Champlain valley
May 12, 2014 | by: John F. Sheehan
The Adirondack Council has called on the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation and the US Environmental Protection Agency to use their authority to protect the Adirondack Park's communities, Lake Champlain and three major rivers from potential train derailments, spills and fires.
May 1, 2014 | by: John F.Sheehan
April 29, 2014 was a historic day for the Adirondack Park's struggle against acid rain. That's the day that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it was illegal for coal-fired power plants in the Midwest to cause acid rain in the Adirondacks.
April 30, 2014 | by: Kevin Chlad
As our 2014 legislative session in Albany pushes along at rapid speed, the Adirondack Council has worked with a broad array of stakeholders to host our second annual Adirondack Day! On May 5th, the "well" of the Legislative Office Building will be transformed into a miniature Adirondack Park.
April 29, 2014 | by: John Sheehan
The impacts of climate change are worldwide. For many of us, identifying ways that we can make a meaningful difference can be overwhelming. Individually, each of us can do our part to reduce the emissions we contribute to the problem.
Please contact policymakers today
April 15, 2014
You can help stop the state from expanding motorized recreation on the protected public lands of the Adirondack Forest Preserve. Policymakers in the state legislature need to hear from you about the damage that ATVs can do to the Forest Preserve.
The Council says education has to be at the forefront of the plan.
April 14, 2014 | by: Lisa M Genier
The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has plans to expand the hunting of black bear across New York State in order to prevent conflicts with people. People need to be educated on how to avoid attracting bears.