Adirondack Park Lobby Day
Adirondack Park Lobby Day is an opportunity for people and organizations who are passionate about the Adirondacks to tell elected officials and staffers what is most important for the Adirondack Park in this year’s state budget and legislative session.
When more than 100 people show up to support a cause at the Capitol, officials take notice. On Lobby Day, we work toward the common goal of increased funding for the Forest Preserve and North Country communities – and the Adirondack Park benefits from the attention.
2024 Lobby Day Participants
The Adirondack Park Lobby Day is made possible by you and the many Adirondack nonprofit partners who contribute to this event.
We encourage our Adirondack advocates to carpool or use public transportation, if possible. The Capitol has a variety of parking options, but the “V-LOT” is the most practical for Lobby Day. Click here for parking options.
Directions to Starting Location:
When you register for Lobby Day, you will receive more information via email about where we will meet to start our day.
What to Expect:
You will arrive at the starting location, typically a meeting space, and check in at the table in front. Your registration packet, available at the check-in table, will include your group assignment and name tag. There is typically time to network and enjoy a light breakfast before finding a seat for the morning program.
To help orient you to the event and general goals, nonprofit partners will provide an overview of the day and detail the asks we plan to make. A group photo is taken and then each group sets off to the meetings on their itinerary.
Meetings are typically 15-25 minutes in length. The lobby lead (detailed in the Tips section below) will help you navigate the buildings and the conversations. The number of meetings you have will depend on how many people have signed up and the responsiveness of legislative offices.
Lobby Day Tips
BE PROMPT AND PATIENT: Legislators run on very tight schedules. Please arrive on time for your appointment and be patient. It is not uncommon for legislators to run late or to be interrupted during a visit by other business. Don’t be discouraged if you meet with staff members. Most legislators rely on their staff to learn the issues and to advise them.
STRATEGIZE: Develop a strategy for the meeting. Identify the strengths of each team member and decide who will speak, for how long, and on what issues before you enter the room. Limit the number of topics discussed. The Lobby Lead will help lead the discussion and make strategic points throughout the meeting.
STAY FOCUSED AND BRIEF: The lobby lead will start the meeting by introducing the group and thanking the legislator or staff member for taking the time to meet with you. Be clear, positive, and constructive as you present your position. Ask for a specific action by the legislator (e.g., speaking up in conference for a budget ask). If the legislator you are lobbying tries to change the topic, gently return to your main point. Listen carefully.
QUESTIONS – Legislators have numerous issues they are concerned with at any given time. Ask questions about the legislator’s feelings toward Adirondack issues. Be ready for them to ask you questions about your position. If during your meeting, if a legislator asks you something you can’t answer, don’t make up a response. Instead, tell them you don’t know the answer, but you can find out and will follow up after the meeting.
REMAIN RESPECTFUL: Advocates are passionate, and so are legislators. No matter what, please don’t get angry, sarcastic, or discourteous. You may find a legislator is simply unresponsive to your issues. If that’s the case, thank them for their time and leave.
LEAVE INFORMATION AND TAKE NOTES – LOBBY LEADS: The Lobby Lead should leave the “leave-behind” detailing our Adirondack Park Priority Agenda. After the visit, take a few minutes to write down your impressions and any specific statements of support or opposition that the legislator made. Did they give you any advice or display any specific knowledge of the issue? Please assist your team leader by sharing your notes from the meeting at the end of the day.
MAINTAIN THE RELATIONSHIP: Once the meeting ends, your lobbying efforts don’t have to end. When you get home, send a note or email thanking the legislators you met with for their time and giving other information about the issues that may interest them.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I wear?
Business casual clothing is recommended. It is a long day with a lot of walking, so being comfortable is important.
Where do I park?
We encourage our Adirondack advocates to carpool or use public transportation if possible, but there are a variety of parking options at the Capitol, though “V-LOT” is the most practical for Lobby Day. Click here for parking options.
What should I bring?
You will pass through state security before entering the Legislative Office Building (LOB) or state Capitol, so no weapons of any kind are allowed. This includes pocket knives or multi-tools. You can bring a small bag or backpack, and you are encouraged to pack a water bottle, snacks and anything else you might need for the day. There is a Dunkin Donuts and vending machines in the Capitol. Otherwise, you must leave security to access food vendors for additional options.
Do I need lobbying experience?
You do not need any experience! All we ask is that you bring a passion for the Adirondack Park. The organizations that host Lobby Day will have veteran, experienced staff to guide you along the way.
Is it intimidating?
It may seem like politicians and their staff could be intimidating, but they’re people just like you. We will remain respectful of everyone, and since we’re advocating for something as amazing as the Adirondack Park, you may be surprised at how warm and welcoming folks in Albany can be.
What if I don’t know everything?
You don’t need to know everything! Lobby Day is a team effort, and we have clear objectives that we want recognized in the state budget. Those objectives will be provided to you in the form of a “Leave Behind” sheet that also gets left with all the offices that are visited on Lobby Day. It’s OK not to know the details of every little thing, you just need to understand that what we’re asking for is in the best interest of the Adirondack Park, and therefore, in the best interest of all New Yorkers.