Environmental Protection Fund
In 1993, the New York State Legislature created the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) to ensure funding for capital projects that protect our environment and enhance NYS communities. The EPF is a pay-as-you-go fund, allowing the state to be fiscally responsible in making long-term investments in the future of our environment and communities.
Governor Mario Cuomo signs the EPF at Heurich Property in 1993
What allows New York to separate itself from other states is its ingrained cultural value of protecting the environment. The EPF allows us to protect our clean drinking water and air, parks and state lands, undertake programs that reduce pollution, fight invasive species, and attract tourism and businesses. A robust EPF allows New Yorkers to set an example for other states to prioritize environmental protection.
The EPF has helped the Adirondack Park and the entire state
In the Adirondack Park, funding from the EPF has increased the amount of Forever Wild lands for New Yorkers to enjoy. One such example is the purchase of the Boreas Ponds Tract, which was part of the largest state Adirondack land purchase in over 100 years. Furthermore, the EPF protects Adirondack water and the communities that depend on it, by investing in the fight against invasive species, as well as efforts to make community wastewater clean before it is returned to the ecosystem.
The EPF is also an investment in the future of New York State
For every $1 that is invested into the EPF, $7 in economic benefits is returned to New York State. EPF investments in our environment have helped the outdoor recreation industry prosper. Over 4.5 million residents and visitors participate in outdoor recreation activities annually in New York and bring in billions of dollars to our economy.
The EPF has put in motion a new wave of environmental protection, honoring a legacy of Adirondack Park preservation that began in 1892. Without the EPF, our Adirondack Park wouldn’t be as wonderful as it is today.
Since its creation, the EPF has been primarily funded by the Real Estate Transfer Tax. By using this funding source, our state can ensure that investments in the environment are steady and ongoing. The EPF is also supported by revenue generated by the unreturned deposits of bottles and cans, the issuance of conservation vehicle license plates, and annual transfers from the state’s general fund. Once the budget is finalized, state agencies disperse the money, and grants are awarded to eligible projects.
Each year, during budget season, the NYS legislature and the governor negotiate the level of funding for the EPF. The funding is then allocated into four categories: open space, parks and recreation, solid waste, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
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