Clean Water Advocate
About the position:
The Adirondack Council is seeking an experienced and motivated Clean Water Advocate (CWA). This position will focus on developing relationships with local communities, building clean water programing capacity, and lead legislative and grassroots/tops advocacy within the Park and Albany to support the health of Adirondack waters in the Western half of the Adirondack Park. Working for the Director of Conservation, the Clear Water Advocate (CWA) will work to advance water protection policy, federal, state and local funding grants and opportunities for clean water projects in Adirondack communities as well as funding to support the work of Adirondack lake associations and its members.
The CWA will engage in advocacy efforts to support regional and watershed-scale protection programs and provide expertise and guidance to partners and local officials on these matters. Such efforts will range from grassroots level operations to advance local septic system inspection and replacement programs, promote and garner support for clean water infrastructure projects in local communities, support park-wide lake monitoring, advance road salt application reduction standards/programs, address other non-point pollution sources and support invasive species management efforts. The position will develop partnerships with local lake and community associations, other Adirondack conservation organizations and town officials to collaborate and implement these clean water program goals.
About the Adirondack Council:
Based in Elizabethtown, NY (30 miles east of Lake Placid), the mission of the Adirondack Council is to ensure the ecological integrity and wild character of New York’s six-million-acre Adirondack Park for current and future generations. We envision an Adirondack Park with clean water and air and large wilderness areas, surrounded by working farms and forests and vibrant local communities. To protect the Adirondacks, the Council uses the best science, the law, and an understanding of political decision-making, to educate, inform and motivate the public and those who make public policy. We are committed to building a diverse staff and strongly encourage applications from candidates of all backgrounds.
The work is meaningful and fast-paced and our team is passionate, talented, and fun. We take pride in our commitment to each other and to protecting the Park.
The Adirondack Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All applicants receive equal consideration without regard to age, race, color, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, handicap, or disability. Employees are selected on the basis of their individual qualifications and ability to fulfill the requirements of the job. The same considerations apply to promotions, pay increases, and all other conditions of employment with the Adirondack Council.
How to Apply:
1. Resume
2. Cover letter (1 page)
3. Your Resume and Cover Letter must be in one PDF document.
4. Please submit an email titled Clean Water Advocate to careers@adirondackcouncil.org.
Deadline: Applications are due by April 4, 2025.