Special Reports
About the Adirondack Council
Acid Rain
APA Enforcement
All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
Information for Local Governments
- Shifting the Burden
- Toolkit for Communities - Section 1
- Toolkit for Communities - Section 2
- Toolkit for Communities - Section 3
Open Space Protection
- A Gift of Wildness
- Status Quo vs Conservation Easement
- Tahawus Tract State Land Purchase
- Adirondack High Peaks Wilderness Visitor Use Management Study
Road Salt
Scenic Vistas
Water Quality
- Protecting Adirondack Waters from Septic System Pollution - A White Paper by the Adirondack Council | Spring 2021
- Adirondack Clean Water 2020 - Successes Made/Wastewater Treatment Needs Ahead - Adirondack Council Special Report | October 2020
- Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Adirondacks: Status of Compliance and Operational Needs | 2017
- Clean Water Infrastructure in the Adirondack Park: Crisis or Opportunity | 2016
- Invasive Species Pamphlet
- Adirondack Waters - Resource at Risk
- Mirror of the Mountains