

March 25, 2022  |  by: Allison Courtin - Guest Contributor
A Winter's Hike Up Poke-O-Moonshine
Read about Allison Courtin's, our guest contributor, experience hiking Poke-O-Moonshine with her sister Kate and dog Orso.
March 16, 2022  |  by: John Davis – Adirondack Council Rewilding Advocate
The Needs of Moose in Adirondacks and Beyond
As the first large-scale experiment in rewilding, the Adirondack Park has been remarkably successful. Many species nearly wiped out a century ago have rebounded, mostly through natural recolonization, after killing was limited and some habitat allowed to regrow. The latest of the charismatic animals to return has been the moose.
March 15, 2022  |  by: Blake Neumann - Adirondack Council Clean Water Advocate
Raquette Lake’s Annual Ice Harvest - Continuing a Century-Old Tradition
Read about Raquette Lake’s annual ice harvest, a tradition that originated over a century ago in the region. During the event, community members used traditional ice harvesting equipment and machinery to cut and transport harvested ice blocks. The ice blocks are stored on-site for refrigeration and cooling of the Raquette Lake Supply Company throughout the summer.
March 8, 2022  |  by: Allison Stefanelli – Clarence Petty Legislative Research Assistant
The Adirondack Council is Your Eyes on the NYS Legislature
The Adirondack Council embraces the responsibility of holding government agencies accountable, informing the press and public about Adirondack issues, and working with partners to secure state-wide support for a well-managed, protected Adirondack Park.
March 4, 2022  |  by: Justin Levine – Adirondack Council Communications and Outreach Assistant
5 Things You Need to Know | February 2022 ADK Conservation News
Read about how environmental groups are trying to keep the invasive round goby fish out Lake Champlain, why a new study of Adirondacks lakes is needed, and more.
February 11, 2022  |  by: Dillon Klepetar – Adirondack Council Farm Advocate
Cultivating Legislation: Agricultural Updates from the State Capitol
There has been a flurry of activity on Agriculture coming from the state recently that will benefit farming in the Adirondacks. In this blog, read about the positive changes Governor Kathy Hochul has brought to the farm table.
February 3, 2022  |  by: Justin Levine – Adirondack Council Communications and Outreach Assistant
5 Things You Need to Know | January 2022 ADK Conservation News
Read about Governor Hochul's budget proposal and her appointments to the Road Salt Task Force, the new Executive Director of the Adirondack Park Agency, and more.
January 31, 2022  |  by: Blake Neumann – Adirondack Council Clean Water Advocate
Reflections on Water: Better Protecting the Raquette Lake Watershed
Read about our Clean Water Advocate Blake Neumann's experience participating in the virtual annual meeting of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society where he heard updates from his peers around the Northeast and beyond.
January 25, 2022
Behind the Loon: Meet Debbie Pastore
Meet Debbie Pastore, the Adirondack Council's Director of Fund Development
January 20, 2022  |  by: Justin Levine – Adirondack Council Communications and Outreach Assistant
A Quest to Become Saranac Lake Ultra 6er
In this blog, read about the Adirondack Council's Justin Levine's adventure in becoming a Saranac Lake Ultra 6er.

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