

June 3, 2022  |  by: Blake Neumann - Adirondack Council Clean Water Advocate
Invasive Species Week 2022
New York State Invasive Species Week 2022
May 17, 2022  |  by: John Davis - Adirondack Council Rewilding Advocate
Behind the Loon: Meet John Davis
There are so many reasons our Adirondack Council team is great, and we want to give you a chance to...
May 11, 2022  |  by: Justin Levine - Adirondack Council Communications and Outreach Assistant
5 Things You Need to Know | April 2022 ADK Conservation News
Read more about water infrastructure funding, herbicide use in Lake George, the fate of an historic rail line, and climate-friendly farm grants.
May 6, 2022  |  by: Blake Neumann - Adirondack Council Clean Water Advocate
Freshwater Jellyfish in the Adirondacks?
In this blog, we dive into an exploration of a lesser-known, non-native inhabitant of the Adirondack Park - the freshwater jellyfish.
April 25, 2022
Behind the Loon: Meet Jess Grant
Meet Jess Grant, the Council's Executive & Development Assistant
April 14, 2022  |  by: David Miller - Adirondack Council Clean Water Program Coordinator
More State Funds Need to Flow into the Adirondacks for Septic Systems Fixes
Failing septic systems are degrading pure waters in the Adirondacks. There is state money available to help homeowners replace their systems, but why has so little of this money actually made its way to the Park?
April 7, 2022  |  by: Justin Levine – Adirondack Council Communications and Outreach Assistant
An Unexpected Walk With Wildlife
Read how a routine walk turned into making a new wildlife friend.
April 5, 2022  |  by: Justin Levine – Adirondack Council Communications and Outreach Assistant
5 Podcasts to Help You Get Through Mud Season
As spring unfolds in the Adirondacks, it can be a tough time to enjoy the outdoors. But whether you’re stuck inside or in the car heading out, here are some outdoor-themed podcasts to enjoy while mud season wraps up.
March 30, 2022  |  by: Justin Levine – Adirondack Council Communications and Outreach Assistant
5 Things You Need to Know | March 2022 ADK Conservation News
Read about how road salt is contaminating drinking wells, when the parking reservation program at the Adirondack Mountain Reserve opens for this year, and much more.
March 25, 2022  |  by: Allison Courtin - Guest Contributor
A Winter's Hike Up Poke-O-Moonshine
Read about Allison Courtin's, our guest contributor, experience hiking Poke-O-Moonshine with her sister Kate and dog Orso.

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22-23 Accomplishments

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