

November 14, 2014  |  by: John F. Sheehan
Adirondack Common Ground Alliance Releases its
The Adirondack Common Ground Alliance (CGA) just announced its list of priorities for state government, when it released its 2015 "Blueprint for the Blue Line." Read to find out what this diverse group wants the state to do to help the Adirondacks.
November 4, 2014
Feds Preserve Local & Adirondack Park Agency Jurisdiction over Size, Shape of Cell Towers
A coalition of New York's environmental and historic preservation organizations is expressing its gratitude after receiving a decision from Federal Communications Commission that preserves the rights of state and local governments to regulate the size, shape and visibility of cell towers in scenic and historic areas, including the Adirondack Park.
October 28, 2014
The State Land Master Plan - what it is, what it does, and why we're lucky to have it
The state-owned land in the Adirondack Park is called the Forest Preserve, and it is very special. It contains most of New York's most rare and sensitive forests, waters and wildlife, so the state created the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan (the Master Plan) to guide its management.
October 14, 2014  |  by: John F. Sheehan
Acid Rain in the Adirondacks: A Road Map to Recovery
The Adirondack Council and the Environmental Defense Fund are holding a conference to take stock of what we have accomplished in the fight against acid rain, measure the long-term impact of that progress and determine what else still needed to be done. Join us in Saratoga Springs, Thursday, October 16.
October 8, 2014  |  by: Lisa M. Genier
Why do Leaves Change Color?
If you're like me, every Fall I look forward to the beautiful colors of the leaves as they change color to yellow, orange and red. But do you ever ask yourself, "Why do leaves change color?"
October 1, 2014  |  by: John Sheehan
The Value of Clean Water
John Sheehan, Director of Communications at the Adirondack Council, spoke at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Water Conference at the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia last week. He came away with some interesting things from other speakers about the value of clean water.
September 22, 2014  |  by: Lisa M. Genier
Takin' It to the Streets for Climate Change
In New York City on Sunday, over 300,000 people marched in the "Peoples Climate March" with a message to world leaders to act on climate change. Leaders from around the globe need to listen to the people marching in the streets and do something to stop climate change now.
September 3, 2014  |  by: John F. Sheehan
The Adirondack Council Releases its <em>State of the Park</em> Report!
You will find our State of the Park report to be the most comprehensive and informative review of the local, state and federal government actions affecting the largest park in the contiguous United States. You won't find anything like this for other major American parks.
August 18, 2014  |  by: Lisa M. Genier
Did You Know? - Things you may not know about the Adirondack Park
I was born and raised in the Adirondacks and have worked for the Adirondack Council for over 22 years. I've learned so much about Adirondack Park and what it has to offer. But everyday, I learn more about this magnificent place. Read on! You may learn something new about the Adirondack Park too.
August 11, 2014  |  by: Liza Frenette - guest author
Seeking Diversity in the Woods
There are six million acres in the Adirondack Park, providing enough woods, water and recreation for plenty of people. Yet there is not a lot of diversity among the people who live and visit there, so individuals and organizations are gathering for a symposium on August 16 to help change that.

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23-24 Accomplishments

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