

July 28, 2015
Around in the Early Days, Bob Kafin is New Chairman of the Adirondack Council
On July 18 at its annual meeting at Heaven Hill Farm in Lake Placid, the Adirondack Council's Board of Directors elected Bob Kafin to serve a two-year term as its chairman. We are thrilled to have him as our new chairman. Bob is a highly respected environmental attorney who began his career in the Adirondacks, and is recognized nationwide for his legal skills and expertise.
July 23, 2015  |  by: Diane Fish - Deputy Director of the Adirondack Council
Adirondack Council Celebrates its 2015 Forever Wild Day and its 40th Anniversary!
This past Saturday on July 18, nearly 300 people gathered at Heaven Hill Farm in Lake Placid to honor the Adirondack Council's former Board Chairs as Conservationists of the Year and to celebrate 40 years of effective advocacy for the Adirondack Park.
July 10, 2015  |  by: John F. Sheehan - Adirondack Council Communications Director
Adirondack Council to Celebrate 40th Anniversary by Honoring its Leaders
The Adirondack Council will celebrate its 40th Anniversary on Saturday, July 18, by honoring all 11 chairs of its board of directors, naming each as Conservationist of the Year at Heaven Hill Farm.
June 30, 2015  |  by: Kevin Chlad - Adirondack Council Legislative Director
The End of the Legislative Session - The Good, the Bad and the Undone
As the 2015 session gavel quietly fell, the Governor and Legislature headed home after crafting a pro-Adirondack budget and leaving many of the Park's greatest legislative needs undone. In the months to come, I will be planning for next year, but for now, as Thoreau would say, "...I believe I'll go canoeing."
June 22, 2015  |  by: John F. Sheehan - Adirondack Council Communications Director
Significant Milestones in the Fight Against Climate Change
June has marked some milestones in the struggle to control climate change; with an in-Park conference on how residents can cope with future temperature changes to Pope Francis calling for action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And this week, the House of Representatives is voting on bill that will prevent the EPA from implementing the Clean Power Plan.
June 16, 2015  |  by: John F. Sheehan - Adirondack Council Communications Director
More Boat-Washing Stations in the Adirondacks Help Boaters and the Environment
Plan on boating in the Adirondacks? Without knowing it, you may bring hitchhikers in the form of alien aquatic plants and animals with you. These invasives can harm the Park's waters and native plants and wildlife. Now there are more boat-washing stations throughout that Park where boats and trailers can be inspected for invasive species and cleaned prior to launching.
June 8, 2015  |  by: Guest Author - Jane Raffaldi, Education and Outreach - Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program
The Park's Least Wanted - Invasive Species
The Adirondack Park's unique and beautiful landscape is cherished by people around the world. However, the introduction and spread of invasive species is one of the greatest threats posed to our Park's native ecosystems. Join us Wednesday, June 17 in Elizabethtown to learn how identify and manage troublesome invasive plants on your property.
June 4, 2015  |  by: John F. Sheehan - Adirondack Council Communications Director
Aaron Mair of Schenectady elected the first African American president of the Sierra Club
Members of the new Adirondack Diversity Advisory Council were pleasantly surprised on May 16 when the Sierra Club's national board of directors elected Aaron Mair of Schenectady as its first African American president.
June 1, 2015  |  by: Kevin Chlad - Adirondack Council Legislative Director
Do you use microbeads? Chances are, you do.
The next opportunity you have, walk to your bathroom and look at your personal care products. Do any of the products you use contain "microbeads?" Chances are, they do. Microbeads are plastic beads, 5mm or smaller in diameter, that are marketed to customers as offering exfoliating benefits when bathing, washing your face or brushing your teeth.
May 26, 2015  |  by: By Diane Fish - Adirondack Council Deputy Director
Kevin Raines' Exhibit
On June 19, a collaboration of art and conservation will debut at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts, when Kevin Raines' 75-piece exhibit opens. Kevin's paintings blend scenic beauty with people and provide an interesting perspective on the Adirondack Park. The exhibit will be in Lake Placid for a month and move to View in Old Forge. Please visit this unique exhibit.

19-20 Accomplishments

23-24 Accomplishments

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