

August 15, 2022  |  by: Nicholle Gotham - Adirondack Council Assistant Director of Development
Behind the Loon: Meet Nicholle Gotham
Meet Nicholle Gotham, the Adirondack Council's new Assistant Director of Development!
August 9, 2022  |  by: Nick King - Forever Adirondacks Intern
Growing A Family Tradition
The third generation of Native Americans with family roots in the Adirondacks keeps tradition alive even as they grow and expand.
July 27, 2022  |  by: Justin Levine - Adirondack Council Communications Associate
5 Things You Need to Know | July 2022 ADK Conservation News
Catch up on the latest in Adirondack Conservation news including the APA's newest member, a faulty Supreme Court ruling, an insufficient agriculture bill, and more!
July 15, 2022  |  by: Julia Luna - Clean Water Intern
Behind the Loon: Meet Julia Luna!
Meet Julia Luna, the 2022 Clarence Petty Clean Water Intern for the Adirondack Council!
July 12, 2022  |  by: Andrea Shipton - Clarence Petty Climate and Conservation Intern
Six Reasons Why I Love Living in the Adirondacks
Climate and Conservation intern Andrea Shipton reflects on her first "real" summer living inside the Adirondack Park as a young, recent graduate.
July 7, 2022  |  by: Blake Neumann - Adirondack Council Clean Water Advocate
Prevention-Focused Efforts
The Adirondack Council is working with partners to established prevention-focused efforts to battle invasive species, particularly in the Raquette Lake Watershed.
June 28, 2022  |  by: Julia Luna - Clean Water Intern
Exploring My New Backyard
Clarence Petty Clean Water Intern Julia Luna explores her new backyard with a paddle past invasive species and a quick walk through history.
June 24, 2022  |  by: Andrea Shipton - Clarence Petty Climate and Conservation Intern
Behind the Loon: Meet Andrea Shipton!
Andrea Shipton recently graduated from Hamilton College, and is now working as the Adirondack Council's Clarence Petty Climate and Conservation intern!
June 21, 2022  |  by: Nick King - Forever Adirondacks Intern
Behind the Loon - Meet Nick King!
Nick King comes to the Adirondack Council as the Clarence Petty intern for the Forever Adirondacks Campaign!
June 15, 2022  |  by: Allison Stefanelli - Legislative Research Assistant
History in the making for Adirondack Wilderness, Clean Water, and Climate Justice
History in the making for Adirondack Wilderness, Clean Water, and Climate Justice

19-20 Accomplishments

23-24 Accomplishments

Achieved with partners, grassroots advocacy,
and YOUR support! 

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