By: Justin Levine – Adirondack Council Communications Associate
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Adirondack Conservation News is a collection of the most current events taking place in New York’s Adirondack Park, a unique national treasure and legacy we inherited over 100 years ago that we must protect for future generations. Adirondack Conservation News highlights threats and opportunities concerning the Park’s ecological integrity, wild character, and community vibrancy.
Schumer visits Lake Placid to talk Inflation Reduction Act
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer visited Lake Placid at the end of August to tout the economic and climate benefits of the recently signed-into-law Inflation Reduction Act. Schumer was joined by Adirondack Mountain Club Executive Director Michael Barrett and Adirondack Council Executive Director Willie Janeway, who praised the act as “historic” in its scope and benefits to the Adirondack Park.
Adk Council to DEC: Rural communities’ needs should be considered in ‘disadvantaged’ list
The Adirondack Council recently submitted a comment letter to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regarding a lack of concern for rural communities as the DEC works on climate justice and equity. While the organization has overall praise for the climate justice plan, there is a need to address the unique challenges that the communities of the Adirondack Park and other rural areas of New York face.
Family spearheads Fulton Chain cleanup
The Adirondack Council was happy to sponsor - along with numerous non-profit and local government groups like the towns of Inlet and Webb and the Adirondack Watershed Institute - the Maintain the Chain event in August. Maintain the Chain is a grassroots effort to help protect and clean up the Adirondack Park. More than 50 teams and 100 people participated this year.
Neighbors’ dispute over septic systems continues in court
Neighbors opposed to a new septic system in a development on the shore of Upper Saranac Lake have said they will appeal after a judge upheld an Adirondack Park Agency permit allowing construction to go ahead. The APA amended the original subdivision permit to allow clearing of trees and the installation of a septic system just 100 feet away from a wetland instead of a 200-foot buffer as originally required.
Capital Region Congressman Paul Tonko touts green energy investments in Inflation Reduction Act
The Adirondack Council’s John Sheehan and Aaron Mair joined Congressman Paul Tonko in Albany to talk about the benefits to New York and the Adirondack Park of the Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA will provide funding for clean air and clean water projects as well as create thousands of climate- and environmental-related jobs.
Justin Levine joined the Council staff in 2021 as the Communications and Outreach Assistant. He previously worked as a regional marketing manager for the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism and was an award-winning journalist and photographer for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise and Lake Placid News. Since graduating from Paul Smith’s College in 2004, Justin has worked in the environmental field in various roles in both the Adirondacks and Florida. When not working, Justin loves spending time with his family, running, and doing all the outdoor things the Park has to offer.