October 18, 2017
In the spring of 2017, the Adirondack Council proudly awarded its second round of Cool Farms/Healthy Park micro-grants to 23 Adirondack farms and small businesses. These grants are designed to make local operations more environmentally friendly while helping them to remain -- or become -- an important part of a sustainable Adirondack economy. The grants may be used to fully fund a project or to supplement other funds and grants. Read below to learn about a few completed projects!
October 12, 2017 | by: Mary Godnick
We have some great news. Last weeks cooler weather caused the colors to come alive almost overnight in the Eastern Adirondacks. Just in time for the holiday weekend, vibrant red, yellow and orange foliage was in full effect in the Wilmington, Keene, Elizabethtown, and Lake Placid area. The Lake George and Champlain Valley areas are starting to finally see some color as well...
October 5, 2017 | by: Mary Godnick- Adirondack Council Marketing and Development Assistant
This weekend is big for leaf-peeping and there are a lot of events happening in the Adirondacks! You can visit local Adirondack farms on the Essex County Cheese Tour, watch top ski jump talent compete at the Flaming Leaves Festival in Lake Placid, enjoy Harvestfest at Gore Mountain, take a tour on the Thurman Fall Farm Tour, or shop at the Long Lake Harvest Craft Fair, Westport Fall Festival, Warrensburg Garlic Festival, or the last Keene Farmers Market of the year.
October 2, 2017 | by: Kaitlyn Thayer - Adirondack Council Hamilton Program Intern
It takes just one quick look out your window to enjoy the beautiful array of reds, oranges and yellows produced by Adirondack foliage this time of year. However, hardwoods are not the only trees producing autumn color. Our own Diane Fish ventured out to Boreas Pond a few weeks ago and found a variety of coniferous trees displaying autumn colors.
September 29, 2017 | by: Mary Godnick- Adirondack Council Marketing and Development Assistant
It says it is September on the calendar, but the weather is telling us that it is summer this week. Today, the temps are back down to fall temps. In the Champlain region, we've noticed that the foliage seems to have "paused" with the warm weather. However, our friends in the Saranac Lake and Old Forge areas have seen a lot of color. Perhaps this warmer weather will extend the fall colors? Time will tell.
September 28, 2017 | by: Kaitlyn Thayer - Adirondack Council Hamilton Program Intern
This week, we celebrated World Rivers Day on Saturday, September 30 by advocating for the health and respect of rivers in the Adirondacks and elsewhere. Today, while water quality in the Adirondack watersheds is generally very good, these areas still have prominent water quality challenges that have been a concern for quite some time.
September 26, 2017 | by: Mary Godnick - Adirondack Council Marketing and Fund Development Assistant
One of the perks of living and working in the Adirondacks is that you learn about all of the hidden gems the Adirondacks have to offer. So, we wanted to give you the inside scoop and share some of our favorite places in the Adirondacks. If you’re looking to try something that will be less crowded and equally as beautiful, check out the suggestions from our team!
September 22, 2017 | by: Mary Godnick, Adirondack Council Marketing and Development Assistant
Today is officially the Autumnal equinox! The weather has been unseasonably warm this week, offering a chance for one last swim for the season. The average high for Lake Placid is 69 degrees F, and this week we hit temps around 80 degrees F! Foliage is “mid point” and hitting "near peak" in some areas of the Adirondack Park according to the I Love NY foliage meter.
September 21, 2017 | by: Jackie Bowen- Adirondack Council Conservation Fellow
Nigeria, Poland, China…just to name a few. I stood with my Adirondack Council colleagues greeting individuals from across the globe. The travelers entered the Kelly Adirondack Center and individually shook each of our hands. It was an indelibly fantastic experience.
September 15, 2017 | by: Mary Godnick- Adirondack Council Marketing and Development Assistant
Today we are kicking off our weekly Foliage Friday series, celebrating Autumn in the Adirondacks. Each week we are featuring some of the amazing photos shared with us on Instagram showcasing fall colors in Adirondack communities, wilderness and water. Tag us in your Adirondack foliage photos on Instagram at @AdirondackCouncil to be featured next week!