May 2, 2017 | by: Kyle Plaske - Adirondack Council Clarence Petty Intern- Albany Office
This year marks the 125th anniversary of the Adirondack Park! On May 20, 1892, the New York State Legislature and Governor Roswell P. Flower created the Adirondack Park Enabling Act which essentially created the Park's Blue Line boundary. Come along as I tell the story of our Adirondack Park to celebrate its 125th Birthday!
April 27, 2017 | by: John Sheehan - Adirondack Council Director of Communications
Perhaps it should come as no surprise that Adirondack Park and North Country residents have developed strong and progressive opinions about environmental issues. The quality of our environment is the bedrock upon which the Park and its economy are based.
April 24, 2017 | by: Jackie Bowen - Adirondack Council Conservation Fellow
The Adirondack Council has just concluded its second grant cycle for the Cool Farms/Healthy Park Micro-Grants Program, and what a successful second year it was!
April 10, 2017 | by: Dana Mancini - Advocacy and Outreach Assistant - Adirondack Council
The Adirondack Council remains dedicated to fighting for the protection of our Adirondack Park. To help do our part, we will be participating in the People's Climate Movement - a march on Washington to stand up for our communities and climate. We are joining the fight against climate change and acid rain and to support Adirondack conservation.
March 28, 2017 | by: Guest contributor - John Daivs, Split Rock Wildway
Some of us lucky enough to inhabit the Adirondack Park year-round refer to early spring as "Mud Season." Mud, slush and soft ground surely are parts of the winter-to-spring transition here. We could as well call this lustiest time of year "Mating Season" or "Movement Season." For throughout spring, most wild animals are searching for mates, food for their young, nest sites, or new territories.
March 27, 2017 | by: Jackie Bowen - Adirondack Council Conservation Fellow
Local farmers and small entrepreneurs are on the front lines of the battle against climate change working hard to be economically and environmentally sustainable and resilient. That's why the Adirondack Council is supporting the growth of these farmers and small entrepreneurs with its micro-grant program.
March 20, 2017 | by: Diane W. Fish - Adirondack Council Deputy Director
In spite of the three feet of fresh snow on the ground from a whopper of a March snowstorm, the signs of spring are starting to wave the flag, announcing that the snow and ice will melt and the miracle of spring will "eventually" come to the Adirondacks.
March 14, 2017 | by: John Sheehan - Adirondack Council Director of Communications
Our schools are an important part of our society, especially in the Adirondack Park. But, regardless of their location, schools cost lots of money. Each year at budget time, the State Legislature and Governor decide how much aid they will provide to school districts around the state. The state's aid formula treats the Adirondack Park's school districts like they were wealthy suburban districts. Read more to find out why.
March 1, 2017 | by: Kevin Chlad - Adirondack Council Director of Government Relations
Last year, Governor Cuomo"s Adirondack Park Agency released the Department of Environmental Conservation's Grass River Unit Management Plan for public comment, which if approved would permit public All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) use on the Adirondack Forest Preserve. This proposed action would run contrary to the policy of the last three administrations. This policy shift represents an emerging threat to our Adirondack legacy.
February 28, 2017 | by: Lisa M. Genier - Adirondack Council Program Analyst
Celebrate National Invasive Species Awareness Week by learning about invasive species, what they can do to our lands and waters and how we can help prevent them from spreading. We all need to do our part to protect our favorite places from invasive species. Spread the word...not the invasives!