April 10, 2017
By:Dana Mancini - Advocacy and Outreach Assistant - Adirondack Council
When thinking about all of the successes we have secured for the Adirondack Park, our fight against acid rain comes to mind. The Council worked endlessly with the Environmental Protection Agency to finalize the Clean Air Interstate Rule which provided the largest reduction in nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides, the pollutants that cause acid rain. This legislation helped to protect all of the incredible and unique wildlife and landscapes in the Park, while allowing ecological recovery to begin.
More recently, President Obama put into place the Clean Power Plan, which aimed to cut greenhouse emissions; a key victory needed in the continued fight against acid rain. These regulations were also essential in reducing carbon emissions in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the current administration is placing Adirondack wildlife in danger by rolling back the environmental regulations set into place by President Obama.
The Adirondack Council remains dedicated to fighting for the protection of our Adirondack Park. To help do our part, we will be participating in the People’s Climate Movement - a march on Washington to stand up for our communities and climate. We are joining the fight against climate change and acid rain and to support Adirondack conservation.
We welcome everyone to come and join us in Washington, D.C.
People’s Climate Movement
April 29, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Here is the schedule of event for the day:
11:00am: Gather in front of the Capitol Building to come together as a community, no matter what issues we are all fighting for
1:30pm: Surround the White House on all sides, and take powerful collective action
3:00pm: Reconvene at the Washington Monument grounds to connect and share the stories that brought us to D.C.
To RSVP: Please fill out our form HERE to let us know if you can make it!
For more information about the People’s Climate Movement, visit their website.
If you can’t make the march, make your voice heard online and show your support by sharing this image with the hashtag #PeoplesClimate and #ClimateMarch