March 3, 2015 | by: Rocci Aguirre
Invasive species are alien and pollute water, cause declines in populations of fish, birds, small mammals, and native plants and cause economic hardships for business owners. Great strides have been made to combat invasives, but still more needs to be done.
Here's why.
February 24, 2015 | by: Guest Writer - Brian Palmer
This article, written by Brian Palmer of the Natural Resources Defense Council, discusses oil trains, derailings and the need for better safeguards for our natural resources and communities.
February 3, 2015 | by: John F. Sheehan
What happens to the Adirondack Park's commercial forests affects the entire Park. These forests are mixed in with the Park's "Forever Wild" public lands and its 130 communities. In the Adirondacks, the combination of environmental protection and careful private stewardship has preserved a forested landscape that is the largest intact, temperate deciduous forest ecosystem in the world.
January 26, 2015 | by: Kevin Chlad
Many pro-Adirondack priorities were expressed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in his 2015 combined State of the State address and Executive Budget summary that he announced on January 21st. Kevin Chlad, the Council's Legislative Director, gives his analysis of the Governor's proposals.
January 20, 2015 | by: William C. Janeway
Tomorrow, January 21, Governor Andrew Cuomo will give his State of the State message and unveil his budget proposal for the upcoming year. He has many opportunities before him to provide leadership, increased funding and improved policies that can help secure the Adirondack Park's future. We will join others in watching for this tomorrow.
January 12, 2015 | by: William C. Janeway - Adirondack Council Executive Director
A development proposal of a former Boy Scout Camp on Woodworth Lake focuses attention on the reforms that are needed to bring the Adirondack Park Agency into the 21st Century.
January 5, 2015 | by: John F. Sheehan
Mario Cuomo was Governor of New York State from 1983-1994. During that time, he made a lasting legacy that still lives on in the Adirondack Park.
December 22, 2014 | by: John Sheehan
A new law will curb light pollution from state facilities and preserve dark night skies in the Adirondack Park and beyond.
December 16, 2014 | by: Jeff Bronheim
A former board member of the Adirondack Council shares his vision to broaden the group of people who know, love and support the Adirondack Park.
November 23, 2014 | by: Adirondack Council Staff
My guess is you've contemplated starting your holiday shopping already. Did you know that the Adirondack Council has a selection of unique, environmentally-conscious Adirondack gifts for sale at our on-line shop?