

January 17, 2018  |  by: Guest writer - Audrey Hyson - long-time supporter of the Adirondack Council
The 61st Annual Saranac Lake Christmas Bird Count
On cold, snowy December 30, our guest author Audrey Hyson and her friend Penny participated in the 61th Annual Saranac Lake Christmas bird count. Read about why Audrey's and Penny's holiday tradition is actually for the birds.
January 12, 2018  |  by: Mary Godnick - Adirondack Council Marketing and Development Assistant
Blacks in the Adirondacks| Interview with Author Sally Svenson
Monday, January 15, is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This American federal holiday marks the birthday of this iconic civil rights movement activist, celebrate “the life and legacy of a man who brought hope and healing to America.” We celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the Adirondacks with a look back into the history of diversity in the North Country. We chatted with Sally Svenson, author of Blacks in the Adirondacks, a new book that dives into the history and life of African Americans inside the blue line.
January 2, 2018  |  by: Willie Janeway – Adirondack Council Executive Director
Buffett Pulls Used Train Cars Out of the Adirondacks - Threats and opportunities exist in 2018
After more than 1,000 Adirondack Council citizen advocates, Governor Cuomo and local communities asked, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway companies are pulling all their used oil trains out of the Adirondacks and making a commitment to never store used train cars in the Park again. This is a victory! But unfortunately, railroad company Iowa-Pacific Holdings is threatening to store other used rail cars in the Adirondacks. The Governor, the Council and others are appealing to Iowa-Pacific to do the right thing and forever stop the storing train cars in the Park.
December 22, 2017  |  by: Staff of the Adirondack Council
Happy Holidays from the Adirondack Council: Reflecting on 2017
The year 2017 has been one for the books for Adirondack communities and conservation because of your help writing letters, signing petitions and supporting programs that help the Park. Thank you so much for your generous contributions to ensure the Adirondack Park is a beautiful place now and for future generations.
December 20, 2017  |  by: By: Jackie Bowen - Adirondack Council Conservation Fellow
Diversity – A Vision for the Adirondacks
On December 2, the Adirondack Diversity Initiative (ADI) held its 2017 Forum: Envisioning Our Future. The forum brought together individuals from across the Adirondack Park and New York State to engage in a conversation about the diversity initiative’s direction, strategic plan, and initiatives. This event marks the fourth symposium held to discuss and address diversity and inclusivity within the Adirondacks.
December 19, 2017  |  by: By: Dana Mancini - Adirondack Council Advocacy and Outreach Assistant
5 Things You Need to Know Today | December Adirondack News
Adirondack News is a collection of the most current events taking place in New York’s Adirondack Park, a unique national treasure and legacy we inherited over 100 years ago, that we have to protect for future generations. Adirondack News aims to highlight both threats and opportunities concerning the Park’s ecological integrity, wild character and community vibrancy.
December 11, 2017  |  by: By: Kaitlyn Thayer - Adirondack Council's Hamilton Program Intern
Snowflakes - How nature makes these pieces of art
Snow has returned to the Adirondacks, and I know I am not the only one who has been enjoying the fresh morning snow, the mountaintop views and the snowflakes sparkling on the ground. There are billions of snowflakes in our backyards alone, and each one is different in its shape and design. But how is this possible? The answer is behind each ice crystal’s journey from the clouds to our feet.
December 7, 2017  |  by: Mary Godnick - Marketing and Fund Development Assistant
Conservation Canines - Helping to Study Moose
While canines and wildlife are generally a bad mix, in the Adirondacks, a group of researchers is currently working with the Conservation Canine (CK9) program as part of a multi-year study on New York State moose populations. We recently had the opportunity to chat with Angela Fuller, the Unit Leader at the New York Cooperative Fish And Wildlife Research Unit at Cornell University, about the research and scat detection surveys they are conducting with Conservation Canines.
December 4, 2017  |  by: Jackie Bowen - Adirondack Council Conservation Fellow
The Town of Keene - Getting Cleaner and Greener
On Tuesday, November 14, the Town of Keene’s Town Board unanimously committed to making the town a cleaner, greener community. It did so by passing three resolutions that kick-started the town’s participation in the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) Clean Energy Communities program. The town was urged to participate in this program at the behest of a group of dedicated town residents. Known as the Keene Clean Energy Team, these individuals are helping to build a sustainable community where they live.
November 28, 2017
10 Ways to Support the ADKS this Holiday Season | Give Forever Wild
This year, add the Adirondacks to your wish list and support the six-million-acre Park that you love all year long. Instead of another scented candle or gift card, say thank you to those that introduced you to the Adirondacks and share your love for the Park with your family and friends with a donation or purchase that supports Adirondack conservation.

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23-24 Accomplishments

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