The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has plans to expand the hunting of black bear across New York State in order to prevent conflicts with people.
At one time, the bears in New York were confined to the Adirondack and Catskill Parks and Allegheny Plateau. However, bear populations have increased over the past two decades. As a result, the number of bear complaints has risen dramatically in recent years. Sometimes bears will travel into populated areas in search for food such as crops, bird seed and garbage, and can cause property damage.
However, the Adirondack Council doesn't think expanding hunting is the best way to prevent human-bear conflicts. Educating people about how to prevent attracting bears is key to avoiding problems. Many times, people unknowingly create potential food sources for bears that may attract them such as feeding birds, cooking food outdoors and improperly storing garbage. Most conflicts can be minimized by removing or securing whatever may have attracted the bear.
In their comments to the DEC on the draft plan, the Adirondack Council impressed upon them that education should be at the forefront. Click here to read the Council's comments.
- See more at: http://www.adirondackcouncil.org/page/in--about-the-park---our-blog-139/news/dec-proposes-expanding-black-bear-hunting-443.html#sthash.npzf1PSH.dpuf
At one time, the state’s bears were largely confined to the Adirondacks, Catskills, and Allegheny Plateau. During the past two decades, however, they have spread to every county outside New York City and Long Island. - See more at: http://www.adirondackcouncil.org/page/in--about-the-park---our-blog-139/news/dec-proposes-expanding-black-bear-hunting-443.html#sthash.npzf1PSH.dpuf