
Defend Your Forest Preserve from the Impacts of ATVs!

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You can help stop the state from expanding motorized recreation on the protected public lands of the Adirondack Forest Preserve. Like previous years, all-terrain vehicle (ATVs) advocates are pushing several bills in the state legislature that would expand the inappropriate uses of ATVs. Fortunately, the Adirondack Council and our partners have always defeated such attempts.

This year we want to do more. We ask for your help to pass a law that says NO ATVs on your Adirondack Forest Preserve forever.

ATVs cause soil erosion, degrade water quality, and damage sensitive wetlands, vegetation and wildlife habitat. They also increase noise levels, worsen air pollution and conflict with other healthy forms of outdoor recreation.

There are bills (A.2481/S.5105) pending in the state legislature that would prohibit ATV use in the Adirondack and Catskill Forest Preserve, Albany Pine Bush, and Long Island Pine Barrens. Sponsored by Assemblyman Englebright, D-Setauket, and Senator LaValle, R-Port Jefferson, the bills also provide enhanced penalties for those who violate these prohibitions. 

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In your own words, please tell policymakers:

  • You love the Adirondack Park and believe the Forest Preserve is too sensitive for ATVs.
  • ATV abuse causes devastating impacts on wetlands, water quality and wildlife, and conflicts with other recreational uses.
  • Pass bills A.2481/S.5105 that prohibit ATV use on the Forest Preserve and create meaningful penalties that deter violators and discourage repeat violators.

Please send your comments to the following policymakers today.  Remember to email us a copy too! Thank you so much for your help.  

Assemblywoman Margaret Markey
Room 712
Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12248
Senator Mark Grisanti
Room 609
Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12248



The Council does not oppose the use of ATVs in appropriate and legal ways such as farming, construction or logging on private lands.  However, we oppose ATV use on the Forest Preserve, except in providing access to designated areas for people with disabilities, and for limited activities, such as search and rescue.

ATVs are equipped with knobby tires, tire chains, winches, and four-wheel-drive, which allow them to go virtually anywhere.  While every governor since George Pataki has refused to allow ATVs on most Adirondack Forest Preserve lands, there is no law making this ban permanent. Worse, the current penalties for riding in off-limits areas are so weak
that they deter few.




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