Press Releases

Press Releases

Tuesday, May 2, 2023
The New York State Budget, which began to pass this week, contains many items that are good for the people and wildlands of the Adirondack Park.
Monday, April 24, 2023
In celebration of Earth Day 2023, the Adirondack Park’s largest environmental organization today awarded 12 micro-grants totaling $26,000 to local farmers and value-added food/beverage/fiber producers. The initiative is an effort to support climate-friendly economic activity in the Adirondack Park.
Monday, March 20, 2023
Adirondack Council’s Micro-Grants for Adirondack Farms and Value-Added Producers will offer grants of up to $8,000 this year to support sustainable and innovative projects on working lands within the Adirondack Park. This is the eighth consecutive year that the Council’s Essex Farm Institute has offered micro-grants to support local farms, local food production and a sustainable local economy.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Adirondack Council today applauded the NY Senate and Assembly one-house budget proposals, each of which proposed millions of additional dollars to Adirondack and environmental investments above current funding levels put forward in Gov. Kathy Hochul’s recent budget plan.
Monday, February 27, 2023
Adirondack Council Executive Director William C. “Willie” Janeway will step aside at the end of the summer, after 10 years as leader of the Adirondack Park’s largest environmental advocacy organization, the Council confirmed today.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
The Adirondack Council and Raquette Lake Preservation Foundation announced today that three local groups have been awarded community grants totaling more than $18,000.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
The Adirondack Council called on the New York lawmakers to prioritize wilderness preservation, climate protection measures, clean air across the state and incentives that boost diversity in the Adirondack Park’s workforce, visitors and residents, in its testimony on Gov. Kathy Hochul’s FY2023/24 budget proposal today.
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Gov. Kathy Hochul’s FY2023/24 budget proposal today included significant funding and policy proposals for municipal clean water and wastewater projects, environmental jobs training, an Environmental Protection Fund of $400 million, and “Cap and Invest” program expected to generate $1 billion for programs to fight climate change, the Adirondack Council said.
Monday, January 9, 2023
ALBANY, N.Y. – The Adirondack Council today congratulated Kathy Hochul on being the first woman elected Governor of New York...
Thursday, December 22, 2022
A coalition of 10 conservation and educational organizations has sent a letter to Gov. Kathy Hochul urging her upcoming State of the State message and Executive Budget proposal to advance bold investments and strengthened policies to improve the protection and management of the Adirondack Park.

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