Acid Rain and Climate Change Certificates
The Adirondack Council offers ways for you to help us stop acid rain and combat climate changes, with our Clean Air Ceritficate and Carbon Reduction Certificates. All the certificates can be made out to whomever you wish and are sutiable for framing.
How You Can Help Stop Acid Rain
For a donation of $25, you can own an attractive Clean Air Certificate. When you do, the Adirondack Council will permanently retire one ton of acid rain causing pollution. That means no power company will ever get its hands on it and one ton of acid rain causing pollution will never be released into the atmosphere, reducing the amount of acid rain that can fall in the Adirondacks. The recipient will receive a Clean Air Certificate that is suitable for framing and can be made out in the name of whomever you wish.
How You Can Help Stop Climate Change
Adirondack Cool Farms/Carbon Reduction Certificates
For a $25 contribution to the Council's Cool Farms/Healthy Park Program, you will receive a Carbon Reduction Certificate and we will permanently retire 3 tons of carbon dioxide from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) program. RGGI is the nation's first multi-state effort to make measurable reductions in carbon emissions.