Statement from New Yorkers for Clean Water and Jobs Regarding Governor Cuomo's 2021 State of the State Address
January 13, 2021
NEW YORK – New Yorkers for Clean Water and Jobs applauds Governor Cuomo’s continued commitment and leadership on environmental protection, the green economy, and environmental justice as laid out in his 2021 State of the State address.
An economic recovery plan based on creating green jobs, protecting natural resources, and strengthening New York’s green infrastructure is the best path forward for New York.
Safeguarding funding for critical environmental programs, such as the Environmental Protection Fund, the Clean Water Infrastructure Act, NY Parks 2020, and the DEC Capital Funding, will complement Governor Cuomo’s clean energy initiative and create additional jobs as part of the post-COVID green economy, ensuring quality of life for future generations. Environmental programs have historically driven state economic recovery, serving as proven investments that make New York communities stronger and healthier.
With the ongoing pandemic and the escalating climate crisis, now is the time to build a green economy and invest in environmental programs. We can restart the economy, improve public health, safeguard clean water, tackle climate change, and connect New Yorkers to the great outdoors.
We look forward to seeing further details about the implantation of today’s announcements and plans for other environmental funding programs in the forthcoming state budget.
New Yorkers for Clean Water & Jobs
New Yorkers for Clean Water & Jobs is a broad coalition formed to demonstrate the vast support for New York environmental funding and programs that protect clean water and air, create jobs, and address the climate crisis. For more information on the website, please visit: www.cleanwaterandjobs.org. Follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Contact: Halimah Elmariah | helmariah@kivvit.com | 201-290-9753