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Sigourney Weaver stumps for ADK Wilderness

Press Republican
September 28, 2016

NEW YORK — Acclaimed actress and environmentalist Sigourney Weaver is the narrator of a new video advertising campaign urging New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo to protect roughly 30,000 acres of new public land as motor-free Wilderness.

“New York has an extraordinary opportunity to expand Adirondack Wilderness to rival the most famous conservation landmarks in the world,” Weaver notes in the opening seconds of the video.

The piece closes with the call to action: “Ask Governor Cuomo to protect our Adirondack legacy now. Protect our tallest mountains and purest waters, while opening new public access. It’s time to be wild New York!”

The video and the accompanying ad campaign are sponsored by the Adirondack Council, on behalf of the BeWildNY Coalition. The coalition consists of nine regional, statewide and national conservation organizations that together represent millions of people, a press release said.

The campaign comes as theAdirondack Park Agency is preparing to announce a series of public hearings on Wilderness (motor-free) and Non-Wilderness (with motorized- and mechanized-use options) classification alternatives for lands and waters recently acquired by the state in the Adirondack Park.

The coalition is seeking Wilderness protection for the most sensitive waters, wildlife habitat and forests, totaling over 30,000 acres.

The centerpiece is the Boreas Ponds tract, a 20,500-acre parcel containing ponds, rivers, wetlands, threatened fisheries, moose, bobcats and high-quality nesting sites for loons and the endangered Bicknell’s thrush, the council said.

“We want to thank Sigourney Weaver for volunteering her time and efforts to this cause,” said Adirondack Council Executive Director William C. Janeway. “She has been a good friend to the Adirondacks for many years and knows the value of Adirondack wilderness.

“We also want to thank composer Michael Bacon, whose music accompanies Sigourney’s voice on the soundtrack,” Janeway said. “Michael also allowed us to invade his Manhattan studio for our recording session with Ms. Weaver.”

Aerial video images were shot by renowned Adirondack photographer Carl Heilman II, of Wild Visions. Smartmeme Studios of Lincoln, WA produced the video, with additional input from SKD Knickerbocker.

See the video at:

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