Group calls on state for more funding for water infrastructures
March 5, 2015
Channel 10 News
By Rachel Yonkunas
CAPITAL REGION, N.Y. (NEWS10) -The Adirondack Council is fed up with short term fixes for water main breaks.
The council says too many water mains are patched up rather than replaced, in most cases resulting in the main breaking again.
According to the Adirondack Council the bill for need water infrastructure improvements in communities across the state would total $36 billion. The group plans to release a report later Thursday on the needs in all 62 counties statewide.
In most cases officials say breaks are cause by old pipes being unable to handle the cold. The Adirondack Council is urging for old pipes to be replaced rather than patched.
Replacing pipes is expensive; the council is asking lawmakers to set aside $800 million for both drinking and waste water infrastructures in this year’s budget.