Adirondack green groups, counties praise environmental spending plan
January 6, 2016
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Governor Cuomo's plan to nearly double state funding for special environmental projects in New York State is drawing praise from Adirondack green groups.
Protect the Adirondacks is a Lake George-based organization that has often been critical of the Cuomo administration's environmental policies.
In a statement yesterday, Protect "applauded" the governor and described this as the "largest funding level ever" for the state's Environmental Protection fund.
The Adirondack Council also said it is "pleased" with the governor's plan. In a statement, Council Director Willie Janeway said the state will better protect "wilderness, water quality and wildlife in the Adirondack Park."
Green groups hope to see at least $10 million go to fight invasive species around New York state.
Local government leaders also praised the boost in spending. The New York State Association of Counties issued a statement that said the $300-million fund will be a boon to communities