Thanks to generous advocates for the Adirondacks, all gifts received by December 31, 2018 will be matched 1:1 (up to $51,000.) So, for every dollar you donate, we will receive an additional dollar from a matching supporter.
What Your Donation Supports
Our programs work to protect the Adirondacks. We use the best science, the law, and an understanding of political decision making, to educate, inform and motivate the public and those who make public policy.
Recent Successes in 2017-2018
WILDERNESS: Secured the addition of 25,000 acres of new motor-free wilderness lands, including Boreas Ponds, Casey Brook, MacIntyre West and a section of MacIntyre East, expanding the High Peaks Wilderness Area to nearly 275,000 acres.
COMMUNITIES: Received statewide voter approval of a constitutional amendment creating a 250-acre land bank for communities seeking public safety and community-improvement projects that are currently blocked by small parcels of Forest Preserve.
WATER & AIR: The Adirondack Council won a court decision against the rollback of the Clean Air Act “good neighbor provisions” to protect the Park from acid rain. New York’s bi-partisan congressional delegation helped restore the Environmental Protection Agency’s acid rain and climate research grant funding for the Adirondacks despite the threat of deep cuts from the administration.
FARMS & FORESTS: Provided $19,600 in Cool Farms/Healthy Park sustainability micro-grants to 15 Champlain Valley farms and 5 Old Forge small businesses to support energy-efficiency and low-carbon economy.
See a comprehensive list of accomplishments in 2017-2018 thanks to your support.
Other Ways to Support the Adirondacks
- Shop our online shop
- Enter to win a Hornbeck Canoe
- Retire one ton of air pollution
- Donate in honor of someone’s birthday or special occasion
- Start a fundraiser for the Adirondack Council on Facebook
- Include us in your workplace giving ( i.e. Earth Share )
- Shop Amazon Smile and select the Adirondack Council as the benefiting organization
- Make a gift of stock
- Join our Legacy Society by including the Adirondack Council in your estate planning
- Follow along, take action and be an advocate for the Adirondacks!