There are so many reasons our Adirondack Council team is great, and we want to give you a chance to meet every one of them and their talents, quirks, and passions. We will be highlighting a member of our team each month. It’s so nice to meet you!
Meet Debbie Pastore!
Life took me to many different places from New York (downstate) to Virginia, to the Midwest, to a short stint in Honduras and Florida, to Connecticut. Through each move, I found myself returning to the Adirondacks at every opportunity. I’ve worked in Development for 30 years, traveled this country and a few others, and witnessed beautiful sites. But for me, there was always something special about cresting the hill and beginning the last descent before exit 31 on the Northway - I could always physically feel myself relax, the stress melt away, my spirit lift, and a deep breath would welcome me home. A long-time supporter of the Council often refers to the Adirondacks as her spiritual home – that truly resonates with me. I spent my life finding opportunities to return to my spiritual home until 2015 when I moved here permanently.
What’s your role at the Council?
I am the Development Director at the Adirondack Council and work with an incredible team of professionals to help raise the funds needed to address the constant challenges facing the Adirondack Park. I love meeting our members, hearing their passion for the Adirondacks, and sharing the work our team does every day to preserve the waters, air, and wildlands of the Park. Like myself, many who have loved this place were blissfully unaware of all the work and advocacy that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the Adirondacks are protected. It’s our job to communicate that and invite members to add their voice and support so collectively we can have the greatest impact to ensure the Adirondack Park is preserved for current and future generations.
It's 5:00 on a Friday and you're leaving the office. What are your plans for the weekend?
Often I spend the weekends working on projects around my home, cooking with family and friends – using ingredients from my garden or local farms as much as possible, hiking, and exploring different trails, boating and swimming in Lake Champlain, or just walking down my road to enjoy spectacular sunsets. I can often be found on Friday nights meeting friends and neighbors at Ledge Hill brewery, followed by Dogwood Bakery’s wood-fired pizza! Oh, and a card game, puzzle, or board game is never far away. Every now and then, I also like to take roads I haven’t taken before, just to see where they lead.
What's one thing people don't know about the Adirondacks, but should?
Every town has its unique history and it’s wonderful to explore and learn about them. I’m of course, partial to Westport. Two bits of trivia are that 1) the original Plank Chair aka the Westport Chair was invented by Thomas Lee in Westport, NY and was the precursor to today’s iconic Adirondack chair; and 2) Westport Mountain Spring water (the bottles are collector items) was served at the White House during the Teddy Roosevelt era.
What is one issue that we are engaged in that means a lot to you?
Within the Adirondack Park, there are more than 2,800 large lakes and ponds, and more than 1,500 miles of rivers fed by an estimated 30,000 miles of brooks and streams. Lake Champlain and the Hudson, Black, St. Lawrence, and Mohawk rivers all draw water from the Park. These majestic and serene waters are remarkable resources that are threatened. Whether by invasive species, acid rain, road salt, or failing septic systems, to name a few, I am extremely proud of the work the Council and partners are engaged in to ensure protections and solutions are sought and implemented to protect these treasured waters.