By: Alycia Bacon - Adirondack Council Clarence Petty Advocacy Intern
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Adirondack Conservation News is a collection of the most current events taking place in New York’s Adirondack Park, a unique national treasure and legacy we inherited over 100 years ago, that we must protect for future generations. Adirondack Conservation News aims to highlight both threats and opportunities concerning the Park’s ecological integrity, wild character, and community vibrancy.
Final Passage Given to Constitutional Clean Air and Water Guarantee in New York
The NYS Assembly gave final legislative approval to a constitutional amendment that will guarantee every New Yorker the right to clean air and water. Next, it will be up to the voters to decide the fate of the amendment when it’s put on the ballot this Fall. More than 70 environmental groups support this amendment. They are hopeful this will help combat climate change, increase drinking water standards, and ultimately protect the health of all New Yorkers.
DEC has More Responsibilities, Needs More Staff, Says NYS Comptroller
NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli released a report outlining concerns regarding the allocation of resources, or lack thereof, to the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The report states that the DEC’s resources aren't proportionate to their new and growing list of responsibilities. The DEC needs adequate funding to protect the natural resources and wildlife of our Adirondack Forest Preserve from overuse, clean water and air, and general public health. Lack of could have a serious environmental impact and public health implications.
Saranac Lake Community Solar Farm Celebrates Opening
Although it’s been up and running since December 2020, the Saranac Lake Community Solar Farm recently celebrated its opening in February. The solar farm, built by RER Energy Group, has 25 rows of solar panels and is the largest solar project in the Adirondacks. The farm is expected to produce $9 million worth of electricity and is likely to surpass 2.4 million kilowatt-hours of energy annually. The Adirondack Medical Center, located less than a mile down the road, will receive about half of the energy produced by the farm.
Lake Champlain Basin Program Awards $2.6 Million Locally
The Lake Champlain Basin Program awarded $2.6 million to several localities and groups in the North Country, Quebec, and Vermont to protect the future of Lake Champlain. The goals are to reduce phosphorus, road salt, and other pollutants, and enhance recreational access. Twenty Adirondack communities will benefit from a $50,000 grant awarded to help AdkAction strengthen its Clean Water, Safe Roads Partnership. The Ausable River Association also received $130,000 to help research Atlantic salmon and trout in the Boquet and Ausable Rivers.
Clean Energy Grant Program Open to No. Co. Communities
North Country communities are invited to apply for the latest round of grants from the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority’s Clean Energy Communities (CEC) program. This statewide program is coordinated by the Adirondack North Country Association in the Adirondack region. Communities can earn the CEC designation by lowering greenhouse gas emissions, reducing taxpayer cost, and improving the lives of the people in their communities. In 2020, $1.7 million in grants was awarded to 20 CEC communities in the North Country that implemented 108 clean energy actions.
Alycia Bacon is the Adirondack Council’s 2021 Clarence Petty Advocacy Intern working with the Government Relations and Communications teams in Albany, helping to advance the Council’s advocacy programs. Alycia is originally from Scottsdale, Arizona, but she’s lived in the Capital Region for almost 11 years. Currently, Alycia is a graduate student at the University at Albany, where she is working on her Master's degree in Africana Studies, with a focus on philosophy and history - particularly in Ancient Civilization and African Americans. Alycia is proud to be working to protect and maintain the Adirondacks as a beautiful living ecological space because she loves our planet and wants to see it healthy for future generations.