By: Casey Marvell - Adirondack Council Government Relations Analyst
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
The year 2020 was filled with unprecedented challenges. Yet, through all we have faced, the Adirondack Park continues to be a safe-haven where millions can turn for refuge and rejuvenation. More importantly, many successes helped further secure the Adirondack Park as a national treasure. New York State increased its support for stewardship for wilderness preservation, work continued to implement the strongest climate law in the country, and the Legislature passed and Governor Cuomo signed into law Adirondack road salt reduction legislation.
As we enter 2021, we continue to face unresolved threats to clean air and water, wildlife, and communities. The Adirondack Park experienced its busiest year on record, and overuse continues to jeopardize world-class wildlands. While it’s clear there is work still to be done in the coming year, let’s take a moment to celebrate 2020’s historic top accomplishments that uphold the ecological integrity and wild character of the Adirondack Park. These successes could not have been possible without our partners and our Adirondack Council members' support and advocacy.
State Budget is Good for the Adirondack Park- April 1, 2020
The Adirondack Council and partners secured crucial funding for pristine Adirondack waters and wildlands in the state budget. New York State approved a $300 million Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), and there was a total of $1 billion for new clean water infrastructure. Both are cornerstone sources of funding that go to keep Adirondack waters free of invasive species, sewage, and pollution. Additionally, the budget included dedicated funding to combat overuse in the Adirondacks.
Largest Adirondack Rally in Over 10 Years - February 10, 2020
The Adirondack Council and partners sponsored an Adirondack Park Environmental Lobby Day at the state Capitol in Albany. The lobby day featured over 100 Adirondack supporters who held meetings with over 65 legislative offices. It was the largest Adirondack environmental rally in over a decade. The participants made a strong impact in affecting the state budget and policy. Issues such as road salt legislation, Adirondack Park Agency appointments, and state land stewardship funding to address overuse were all advocated for at the lobby day, later resulting in successful state actions. The Adirondack Council thanks all our dedicated supporters for making this day possible.
Road Salt Reduction Bill Signed into Law- December 3, 2020
Governor Cuomo signed into law a bill to establish an Adirondack Road Reduction Salt Task Force and Pilot Program. The legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Billy Jones, D-Chateaugay, and Senator Tim Kennedy, D-Buffalo, will look into ways to reduce the impacts of road salt in the Adirondack Park. By bringing together experts in various fields such as highway management and water science the task force will make recommendations as to how the state can update its winter road management practices to preserve clean drinking water while ensuring safe winter road conditions.
High Peaks Advisory Group Embraces Wilderness Protections- June 22, 2020
The High Peaks Advisory Group (HPAG) was tasked by the state to develop a set of long-term recommendations on how to manage overuse in the High Peaks Wilderness Area. This spring, the group released a set a short-term recommendations that embraced the Leave No Trace recommendations for the Adirondack Park. Recommendations included a focus on improved long-range planning, upgrades to aging infrastructure, visitor education programs, and limits on capacity. A final long-term report from HPAG is due to be released early in 2021.
Adirondack Park Agency Appointments- June 9, 2020
The New York State Senate approved a new slate of Adirondack Park Agency (APA) appointments nominated by Governor Cuomo. The appointees came from various backgrounds such as environmental science, local government, and economic development. The Adirondack Council thanked Governor Cuomo and the Senate for working together to secure this slate of appointments and encourages a similar process for any new and future APA board vacancies. There was a full board but no chair, and in December, Chad Dawson resigned in protest. At the year ends, the APA is in crisis again.
Climate Action Council- December 15, 2020
The New York State Climate Action Council (CAC) was formed after the passage of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). The CAC is tasked with developing a scoping plan on how the state can reach its nation-leading targets in greenhouse gas reductions and renewable energy production. The CAC and a variety of advisory panels have been regularly meeting to discuss a path forward for New York State. This includes supporting Adirondack communities with climate change adaptation tools and ensuring Adirondack forests remain intact and healthy to contribute in the fight against climate change.
State Supports Adirondack Communities
The FY2020-21 New York State budget included new funding for the Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) and a host of other community investments. These include $2 million for smart growth grants, $10 million for Climate Smart Communities, and $4.5 million for Climate Resilient Farms. Additionally, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation recognized the Village of Saranac Lake as a bronze-level certified climate-smart community for their efforts to fight climate change.
Micro-Grants for COVID-19 and Climate Change- April 22, 2020
The Adirondack Council awarded 13 micro-grants to local farmers to help fight climate change and Covid-19. The micro-grants, supported by generous individual and foundation donors, went to fund various environmental projects such as solar-powered refrigeration and crop diversification and projects to help combat COVID-19 like masks and gloves for farmers. Additionally, the Essex Farm Institute, a program of the Adirondack Council, provided support for Hub on the Hill’s food package distribution service to support those in need across the North Country.
Adirondack Diversity Initiative- Aug. 26, 2020
For the second year, the New York State budget included $250,000 for Adirondack Diversity Initiative (ADI), a program that engages communities in the Adirondacks and promotes strategies to help the Park become a more welcoming, safe, and inclusive place for all. With the events of this past summer, ADI is more important than ever to ensure a positive future for those who live and visit the Adirondacks. The Adirondack Council thanks ADI for all its great work and looks forwards to help build on its successes of this past year.
Invasive Species Law Extended for One Year, Again. Lawmakers Commit to Strengthen
Due to the disruption of the state Legislative Session due to the pandemic, legislative leaders extended a statewide aquatic invasive species law for one year. The law requires boaters to take reasonable precautions to remove any invasive plants or animals from their boats and trailers before entering a waterbody. With commitments from legislative leaders to strengthen the law in the Adirondack Park, the Adirondack Council will continue to advocate for all boats to be inspected before entering any Adirondack waterbody.
Casey Marvel is the Government Relations Analyst in the Council’s Albany office. He assists the government relations and communication teams by tracking legislation, researching issues, and advocating for the Adirondacks. A native of Niskayuna, New York, Casey recently completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Albany and is currently pursuing his Master’s in Political Science. Casey has always been intrigued and passionate about the Adirondacks, having visited the Park throughout his life, from fishing at Paradox Lake to recently pursuing the 46 High Peaks.