Other Ways to Help Reduce Climate Change

Other Ways You Can Reduce Your Contribution to Climate Change

Home Energy Conservation

  • Sign up to a green energy supplier. Many states will allow you to choose your supplier.
  • Turn it off or unplug devices when not in use (lights, television, DVD player, computer) Devices draw power even when they are off. Turn off the power strip or unplug them when not in use. (The cell phone charger is good place to start).
  • Turn down the heat (even a little bit helps) and use a programmable thermostat.
  • Turn down the setting on your hot water heater.
  • Fill your dish washer and washing machine with a full load. Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible.
  • Go for a run rather than drive to the gym.
  • Replace your standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.
  • Conduct an energy audit to learn where you are losing energy in your home.
  • Get advice on appliances and improvements that will save energy and save you money in the long-run.

Travel Conservation

  • Carpool, bike/walk, or use public transportation if possible.
  • Do your weekly shopping in a single trip.
  • Discuss the possibility of four day work week with your employer.
  • Consider a hybrid, biodiesel, or high mileage vehicle.
  • Turn off your car engine ~ avoid idling.

Buy Local

The local food movement has been energized by the realization that for most of us our food has travelled thousands of miles and used extraordinary resources to grow, raise and bring foods to market. Changing our eating habits is another way to make a difference.

  • Don’t buy bottled water (especially if the bottled water is from far away) if your tap water is safe to drink.
  • Grow your own fruits and vegetables.
  • Buy locally raised meat, and fresh fruit and vegetables in season from local, organic growers.
  • Choose foods with less packaging.

Impact of Carbon Reduction (US EPA estimates)

1 ton = amount of CO2 one acre of healthy forest removes from the air/year
3 tons = amount saved by recycling one ton of waste instead of landfilling
5 tons = average passenger car in the U.S. annual gasoline use (21.4 mpg/11,318 miles = 4.75 metric tons CO2)
7 tons = nearly one year’s worth of electricity use by the average American household
24 tons = monthly total output for average American family (all sources; energy, transportation, waste, etc.)
75 tons = tanker truck of gasoline
187 tons = rail car of coal
1.3 million tons = one coal-fired power plant (2010 emissions rates, now declining)


New York State Energy Research and Development Authority - Energy efficiency, incentives, audits, suppliers, ways to conserve.
1-866-NYSERDA or www.nyserda.org

Adirondack Harvest -Local farms, food sources in the Adirondacks. www.adirondackharvest.com

Energy Star - Appliances, federal tax credits, house improvement. www.energystar.gov


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